PuroClean of Western Reserve – Macedonia City of Macedonia 330-467-7876 http://www.puroclean.com/ee-oh
European Wax Center City of Macedonia, Northfield Center Township, Sagamore Hills Township, Village of Boston Heights, Village of Northfield 330-840-5080 https://locations.waxcenter.com/oh/macedonia/macedonia-0873.html
Longwood YMCA City of Macedonia 330-467-8366 https://www.akronymca.org/locations/longwood-ymca-childcare-branch
Inline Technologies City of Macedonia, Northfield Center Township, Sagamore Hills Township, Village of Boston Heights, Village of Northfield 216-221-4600 https://www.inlinetechnology.com/
Beer and Belly Sports Grill Sagamore Hills Township (330) 748-0255 https://www.beerandbellysportsgrille.com/
Reserve Realty City of Macedonia, Northfield Center Township, Sagamore Hills Township, Village of Boston Heights, Village of Northfield 330-467-0828 https://reserverealtymanagement.com/